Thursday, September 16, 2010

Makeup tips: Managing your makeup collection

Ever since I got into makeup I have wanted to just buy and buy.  But after some time I realized that aside from having it, I love using it as well.  So it's not really practical or safe to just keep adding to your collection.  You must weed some things out every so often.

Like with foundations or with any cream product, you can't have them years on end and expect it to be the same as when you first got it.  But powder products don't normally go bad so I believe it's okay to have them longer. 

Whenever I feel that there are items that I have not used for 6 months I give it away.  So if you don't want to give them out or throw them you can always do the 'project 1 pan'.  What you do is that you use that product until you hit pan and of course you're not allowed to buy anything until you do.  Or if you have a lot of lip glosses, you can do a 'gloss out' which makes you use that 1 gloss first before buying another one.

 So when I got home today I decided to set aside products that I'll be giving away..   So now there's more room for new products!!  Yey!!

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