Sunday, September 5, 2010

Makeup Tips: What to do at a Makeup Store

Here are some tips to remember when you go to a makeup store.

1. If testing a mascara, always remember to test it at the back of your hand and not on your lashes.  You don't know how many people used it on their eyes.

2.  When trying a lipstick, you can either a. have the makeup artist sanitize it by spritzing alcohol on to the lipstick itself or b. test it out on your fingertips because they (some makeup artists) say that your fingertips are very similar to your lips in terms of shade

3.  Never test out a lip gloss straight from the tube.  You don't know how many people used the applicator on their lips

4.  Powder products are okay to test on eyelids or cheeks i.e. eye shadows and blush

5.  When testing out a cream product, always make sure that the makeup artist wipes the top layer with a tissue sprayed with alcohol

It's always good to be o.c. about hygiene.

Thanks for stopping by and see you next time!

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