Tuesday, September 14, 2010

MakeUp Review: Bobbi Brown Cream Concealer with Sheer finish loose powder

photo from bobbibrown.com
Aside from the foundation, concealers are also a must have if you want to hide those tiny bits of imperfections on your face. Dark circles under my eyes is the culprit here. I got a hold of this one a couple of years ago but just started using it last year. Suddenly there was a need for it...not a good sign :( The concealer is packed in a small compact that can be stashed anywhere. The top part holds the concealer with a mirror while the bottom part holds the powder. I use this to cover the dark parts using a concealer brush which makes it easier to blend. Then I use my finger to put powder on top to seal it. You might think you need a lot but a small amount goes a long way, it's just a matter of blending it correctly. You will see results instantly. No dark circles and bright eyes. Mission Accomplished! :)))

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