Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Taking Care of your Goldi"locks"

Just like your skin, the hair requires just as much attention because it is your "crowning glory." Here are some products I use which you might like to try. Hope they help.

BIOTIN B COMPLEX THICKENING SHAMPOO by Avalon Organics- Biotin prevents hair loss. No parabens and SLS free. Love the smell. Available at Healthy Options

NEUTROGENA ANTI-RESIDUE SHAMPOO- I use this once a week to remove residue build-up from shampoos/conditioners/styling products. It's for all hair types. Available in PCX.

PANTENE PRO V SMOOTH and SILKY -This is my "chillax" shampoo. If I plan to stay home or just around the area I use this. It's my comfort shampoo.

KIEHL'S RESTORATIVE ARGAN OIL- I use this on my body but more on my hair for moisture and shine. I tend to have dry ends so i put more there. I put a small amount on my hands then rub them together then run my fingers through my hair several times.

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