Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Dr. Evil's Love affair with her skin

I started going to the dermatologist just 2 yrs. ago when I bumped into my derma-to-be friend/classmate in the mall. After much consultation, she started me on a skin regimen which included a morning and evening ritual. In the AM, I use a gel-based foaming cleanser (this is best for oily skin) followed by a toner in the form of pads soaked in Salycilic acid to control acne breakout and oiliness. Then followed by a Clarifying Serum (packed with Vitamin C) to brighten and even skin tone. Now in the evening, it's pretty much the same except I add Retinol cream (as a wrinkle defense and pore minimizer) since it is advisable to do so only at night. It does not react well with the sun. I put this all over my face and neck. Though sometimes this is not good for everyone especially for those with sensitive skin and pregnant women, so be careful. Lastly, the eye cream! I have LV eye bags and undereye circles so you can imagine how many brands I've tried just to depuff them. My derma says its a mixture of genetics and sleeping late. I say the former. Thanks MOM!

So there it is. Sounds too much ba? Well I've learned to live with it and I actually enjoy it because I can see results. Mejo magastos lang nga but you can never take your skin for granted. Always Love your skin and it will Love you back.

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