Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Makeup Review by Hikaru: Benefit Creaseless Cream Eyeshadow

bday suit shadowI had been introduced to thecream shadow wonderful world of make-up only a couple of years ago when a cousin in law (hi to you too!) showed me what an addictive (and expensive) hobby hoarding and playing with make-up would be. I graduated from just wearing loose powder on my face to now wearing primer, foundation, concealer and powder (in that order of course) as part of my everyday regimen. Let's not forget jumping up a notch from just putting on lip balm (sometimes even not) to now going through the whole process of exfoliating, prepping the lips (preferably with some amount of SPF) and then putting a hint of color. In other words, nagi akong MAARTE :) Anyway, what has this got to do with my review of benefit's creaseless cream eyeshadow? Although I've already progressed from just putting on johnson and johnson baby powder (remember those face powders in a little blue or pink container?) to having my now current reputation of being a foundation hoarder (ooops... foundation enthusiast as per Paco), I am still very much an amateur when it comes to putting paint on my eyelids. I’ve actually tried a couple of eyeshadows
(such as shiseido’s powder palette but found that it easily becomes “buhaghag” so it didn’t really make a good impression on me; also tried one of smashbox’s palettes but the palette I bought turned out to be too oily or is it just too frosty?). In other words, I couldn’t find an eyeshadow that made me want to add to my everyday regimen of foundation and lip gloss or lipstick…until now. The first time I tried benefit’s creaseless eyeshadow (in stiletto) I instantly became hooked! In the first place, I did not have to put a lot of effort in putting it on for it to look great. I did not even use a brush and just used my fingertips to blend. As kumsie puts it “you can even apply it in a moving car” and it would still look gorgeouzzz! Easy application is a big plus for someone like me who does not have the luxury of even just 30 minutes to put on make-up. It also blends easily and glides on very smoothly. Since it is very pigmented, you don’t really need to put a lot. It took only 2 swipes for me to get the “still” natural look I wanted. After about 5 hours, I looked in the mirror expecting an eyeshadow “meltdown” (as with what happened with the other eyeshadows I tried) but sweet Jejomar (Jesus, Mary and Joseph)! It was still there, with no creasing whatsoever! Calling it creaseless was not a stretch after all.
*pictures from Sephora and Benefit*
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