Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My Makeup Kit Essentials

This thread was started by Dr. Evil which I hope you guys will do as well.
Everyday I bring with me a small pouch....well, actually, it's not really a small pouch ;-) ....
What I have with me are:
lotion - because my hands are very dry so I need to keep a lotion near by
alcohol - ever since the SARS outbreak I had a small bottle with me everywhere I went
Lip Balm - I used to bring the Smith's Rose lip balm but it sort of melted so i switched to my Korres   Lip butter.  I apply it before applying lipstick
Lipstick -  whatever shade I was wearing that day
Lipgloss - same with the gloss; although I'm not really a gloss kind of person, surprisingly, I own quite a few
Mirror - to this day I still can't apply lipstick without looking into a mirror
Small container of medicines - for those who know me won't be surprised by this; but for those who don't, they're for my allergies and when I get hyper acidity/heart burn

Rosary - yeah, I don't know why it's there but it just is
Blotting paper - to remove excess oil from your t-zone before applying powder
Mattifying powder - since I have oily skin I need anything that is mattifying. all the time.
Blush - I have Nars Orgasm because it's convenient to pack since it's flat and not bulky
Blush/Powder brush - for the powders that I bring with me
Compact type container with a few toothpicks (it was a gift from Hikaru)
Burt's Bees Cuticle cream - because I love the lemon-y smell and it's good for my cuticles when I feel that they're dry
Lush Solid Perfume in Honey I Washed the Kids - my favorite scent from Lush; for when I forget to spritz on some cologne before leaving the house
Sanitary wipes with alcohol which I found at the grocery store (see treasure finds 1)
Blister Block - in case i feel a blister just starting to develop
What's in your makeup kit?

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