Thursday, July 15, 2010

What's in my Make-up kit...

Some of us have late nights that require touch-ups to last us until the wee hours of the morning or kikay ka lang talaga and you always want them nearby for "just in case "moments. You never know who you might bump into...old bf (uuuy)... so here are some of the stuff I bring with me because just like your credit card, I never leave home without it.

1.Everything for the lips- stick, balm, or gloss. Don't forget a vampy shade too.
2.Oil-blotting film/paper-nobody wants to see a greasy face
3. Eyelash curler- opens up the eye instantly
4. Mascara/eyeliner- to further enhance them
5. Listerine mouth spray/breath mints- need I explain why??

They may seem a lot but I'am sure other ladies out there have their entire dresser with them. Just remember you have to look your best all-day, everyday. So STAY GORGEOUS LADIES!

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