Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Why your Make Up deserves to be on the same flight as you

Long title right? You'll see why. Never ignore the airlines when they tell you to be at the airport 3 hrs before your flight or down-sizing your toiletries to a certain amount and putting it in a ziploc bag. I did just the opposite and the rest is history and literally it (my toiletries) was history after that. I got to the airport 30 min before the flight was to take off. So I ran towards the counter and checked in. Not knowing what was to come.... I put my handcarry in the xray machine and that was when shit hit the fan. The technician saw my toiletry kit with huge bottles of my shampoo, conditioner, toner, foundation, cologne, etc. She then told me I couldn't bring them because it's against airline regulations. I started looking at her like she was talking to me in Chinese or something. So my bubble thought was " Why don't you just kill me right now?! " It's either I mail it to myself or leave it behind. Both options didn't exactly make me do the dance of joy so I pleaded with her to allow me to take it. For one, I didn't have time to mail it anymore and secondly, leaving it was a mortal sin. If your toiletry kit is not in your bag then what's the use of the bag right? But I had to make a painful choice, I left them ALL.:((( Because of this experience, I've learned to follow them and save some mullah. Most importantly it avoids being separated from your friends in the future. :)))

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