Sunday, July 25, 2010

Basic Makeup Brushes

Hi everyone!  I thought I'd write something about some makeup tools that are essential to our 'hobby' :).  I started buying MAC makeup brushes probably last year and truly believe in them.  Although they are on the pricey side you are guaranteed of quality.  I'm pretty sure there are other brands that are better but I think the MAC ones are great for people who aren't professional MUAs.  When I started getting serious with makeup I bought a small set from Essence of Beauty.  It had a powder brush, blush brush, eyeshadow brush, concealer brush and a smudge brush.  It did an okay job and to this day I still use the powder and the blush brush.  Hated the smudge brush though for it hurt my eyes every time I used it. 
After some time I thought that for me to have the makeup look I wanted I had to have the right tools.  And since a MAC set was going to put a dent on my pocket I thought of buying the Sigma Makeup Brush set instead.  The labels/numbers of the brushes were the same as

the MAC ones so it was pretty easy to identify.  I am starting to build my MAC brushes and until then the Sigma will do for now.
Foundation brush - although one can always use their fingers, it is always good to have one since some foundations are better when applied with a brush
Powder brush - to be used when applying loose powder or blush
Concealer brush - so you won't make the mistake of applying too much concealer
Blush brush - for applying brush or bronzer or contour powder; my favorite is the MAC 109
Eyeshadow brush - I have a small lid space so the MAC 242 is perfect for me
Eyeshadow blending brush - my all time favorite eyeshadow brush is the MAC 217; it blends and you can use it apply shadow on your crease; another must is the MAC 224 which is used for blending and can be used to apply concealer under the eye area
Eyeliner brush - for those who have a difficult time applying eyeliner with those long thin brushes, an alternative is the MAC 266 which can be used for your brows too

Thanks for reading.  See you next time!

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