Thursday, July 29, 2010

Makeup Review: Bobbi Brown Vitamin Enriched Face Base

photo from bobbi brown cosmetics
This face base is recommended to be used as an alternative to your moisturizer.  It made my face smooth and it has a very nice scent to it.  I was able to apply my liquid foundation without any problems like flaking.  From the look of the cream you would think that it's greasy but surprisingly, it wasn't greasy at all.  I had to blot my face a few times during the day but I really didn't mind.  It is rather expensive for the size but you get a good product and even the packaging is nice.  Glass jar with embossed logo on the lid.  It has that durable 'look and feel' to it.
If price is  not an issue for you then this is definitely an item to add to your collection.
Thanks for reading.  See you next time!

Makeup Review: Smashbox Under Eye Brightener

photo from
Smashbox describes this product as a brush-on brightening cream.  It has a shimmery peach color and for me cannot be used alone.  Either my under eye circles are just too dark or the product is just not as effective.  I tried using it alone and what came out was shimmery under eye circles! :( I had to use a concealer under for it to work.  For it not to go to waste I use it as a highlighter on my cheeks or on my brow bone instead.  For those with a lighter skin tone than me or a lighter under eye circle, this might just work for you.  Although I love the brand I will definitely not repurchase this particular item.  Sorry Smashbox.

Hope this helps.  See you next time!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Makeup Review: Smashbox O-Glow Intuitive Cheek Color

photo from
Smashbox O-Glow Intuitive Cheek Color is a blush in gel form.  According to Smashbox it is an intuitive blush that turns cheeks the exact color you blush.  I don't really think this is accurate, not on  me though.  But it does turn your cheeks into a shade of pink, depending on the amount of product that you use.  I believe it is best used over a cream or liquid foundation and blended right after application as it dries quickly.  When it is applied over a powder foundation you can guess what the effect is .... yup, for experimental  purposes I tried it...epic failure.

Have you tried any of Smashbox's O series? Your thoughts?

Thanks for stopping by.  See you next time!

Beauty Tip: The Essentials to take with you inside the plane

photo from google images
Good afternoon (morning in Manila)! Just came back from the Mother ship and I finally decided to buy the Boscia Tinted Moisturizer to pair it with the Oil-free Hyrdation Cream that I bought earlier. I'm excited to use it tomorrow night for my flight home. Speaking of plane rides, there are certain things you need to take with you especially when you're 36,000ft up there where the air is dry and your skin gets ultra dehydrated.

1. Lip balm- get the one that is super hydrating

2. Face spritzer/mist- to freshen up your face once in a while

3. Listerine breath spray-this is a treasure find, it gives your breath a minty buzz

4. Make-Up- powder, lipstick and maybe blush too for touch ups before landing

5. Toothbrush/toothpaste- though they do give you one

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Why your Make Up deserves to be on the same flight as you

Long title right? You'll see why. Never ignore the airlines when they tell you to be at the airport 3 hrs before your flight or down-sizing your toiletries to a certain amount and putting it in a ziploc bag. I did just the opposite and the rest is history and literally it (my toiletries) was history after that. I got to the airport 30 min before the flight was to take off. So I ran towards the counter and checked in. Not knowing what was to come.... I put my handcarry in the xray machine and that was when shit hit the fan. The technician saw my toiletry kit with huge bottles of my shampoo, conditioner, toner, foundation, cologne, etc. She then told me I couldn't bring them because it's against airline regulations. I started looking at her like she was talking to me in Chinese or something. So my bubble thought was " Why don't you just kill me right now?! " It's either I mail it to myself or leave it behind. Both options didn't exactly make me do the dance of joy so I pleaded with her to allow me to take it. For one, I didn't have time to mail it anymore and secondly, leaving it was a mortal sin. If your toiletry kit is not in your bag then what's the use of the bag right? But I had to make a painful choice, I left them ALL.:((( Because of this experience, I've learned to follow them and save some mullah. Most importantly it avoids being separated from your friends in the future. :)))

Makeup Review: Benefit One Hot Minute

photo from benefit cosmetics
Benefit's One Hot Minute is a loose powder with a rose-gold tint to it.  You can use it as a finishing powder, a bronzer, a highlighter or a,  a very multi functional item if you ask me.  According to Benefit, you can also use it on your decollete...which is a plus.  But I mainly use it as a bronzer and then a blush on top of it.  One Hot Minute gives you a radiance that is quite different from other bronzers.  It almost has that 'just been to the beach' kind of look.  Perfect if you actually have a tan to match! :)

When you're in a hurry and you only have a few minutes to get ready,  you can just pop this on your cheeks and voila, contour and blush at the same time.

Thanks for reading and see you next time!

Wish List July 2010

Hello ladies.  This post is just my way of thinking out loud and hoping that the angels will hear me.....or, for my husband to have an idea on what to give me on my birthday, or any day in case he gets a glimpse of this (I'm crossing my fingers).... and it's my way of helping you guys complete your shopping lists.

Foundation: Make up Forever Matt Velvet +( I tried it and true to its name, it's matte and  velvety); Clinique Acne Solutions Liquid Makeup (might work since I have acne prone skin);

Eyeshadow: Urban Decay's Naked palette (I am currently obsessed with neutral eye shadows; Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick Eye Palette ( looks very fun to wear although it is no longer available); MAC Paint Pot in Painterly or Soft Ochre ( I heard some people say that it works as a primer/base)

Blush - Laura Mercier Cream Blush in Canyon; MAC Cream Blush in Virgin Isle; Tarte Cheek Stain; Benefit Sugar Bomb; or any blush that has a light purple shade

Mascara - Chanel Inimitable Mascara; Shiseido Perfect Mascara; Benefit Bad Gal Lash

Lipstick - Urban Decay in Trainwreck; any lipstick that is in the magenta/red violet shade

What is it that you are wishing for right now?   Thanks for reading and see you next time!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Makeup Review: Ebay Eyeshadow Palettes

Another alternative to expensive eyeshadows is an eyeshadow palette that you can buy from Ebay.  There is an assortment of these palettes, from blush palettes, eyeshadow palettes, lip palette and a combination of all 3.  What I have are the original 88 eyeshadow palette, 88 warm palette and the 28 neutral palette (picture posted as enumerated)
  • You get a whole range of colors
  • Very affordable
  • Very pigmented
  • Some of the shades are similar to MAC shadows
  • Shipping takes about 2 weeks or more
  • Some colors are unusable unless you do theater makeup or you're a makeup artist (some are just too bright for everyday)
  • Size of individual eyeshadows are rather small (88 palette)
  • Shipping costs more than the makeup itself
  • No guarantee that it will not be damaged while being shipped (just like what happened to my order but the good thing is the seller did not charge me for it. yey!)

Overall, it is a good palette to have especially for those who enjoy experimenting with different colors of eyeshadows and for those who don't mind that it has no brand.  You get a great value for money when you purchase these makeup products.
If you are interested in buying a palette, do send us a comment below.
Thanks for reading.  See you next time!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Make Up Brush Review: ELF Foundation Brush

I'm so thankful I did not spend so much on a foundation brush. This one just takes the cake and the price is unbelievable ($1). You might think the quality is also worth $1 but I tell you it's not. It's definitely no MAC but it will definitely do its job. I followed the instructions at the back on how to get the best effect (using upward strokes) and there it was, the 9th wonder of the streaks and it covered my face evenly!!! Who knew??? Now I want to hoard just in case...

Skin care review: Boscia Oil-free Daily Hydration SPF 15

My new discovery in the skincare department. It's a moisturizer that hydrates the skin, controls shine, minimizes pores and provides sun protection all in one tube. I've checked other brands but this one I like because of the natural ingredients and none of those chemicals. It wasn't long ago I was singing praises for the Smashbox Anti-shine but I can't help but love this product too. I decided to use it as a primer before my foundation and it worked. Today, I tried to wear it alone then just covered it with powder, the effect was still ok. I just wanted to give my skin a break from all that foundation and blush action. So In case you come across this product, give it a try. I'm sure it won't disappoint. Good Day Ladies....

Basic Makeup Brushes

Hi everyone!  I thought I'd write something about some makeup tools that are essential to our 'hobby' :).  I started buying MAC makeup brushes probably last year and truly believe in them.  Although they are on the pricey side you are guaranteed of quality.  I'm pretty sure there are other brands that are better but I think the MAC ones are great for people who aren't professional MUAs.  When I started getting serious with makeup I bought a small set from Essence of Beauty.  It had a powder brush, blush brush, eyeshadow brush, concealer brush and a smudge brush.  It did an okay job and to this day I still use the powder and the blush brush.  Hated the smudge brush though for it hurt my eyes every time I used it. 
After some time I thought that for me to have the makeup look I wanted I had to have the right tools.  And since a MAC set was going to put a dent on my pocket I thought of buying the Sigma Makeup Brush set instead.  The labels/numbers of the brushes were the same as

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Skincare Review by Eglantine Price: Origins

Origins of Species                                                                
moisturizerIn the beginning God made heaven & earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters. And God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light. And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day. And God said, "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters." And God made the firmament and separated the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament. And it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. And there was evening and there was morning, a second day.
And sometime between the 6th and 7th day before God rested, God created the sebaceous gland. These microscopic glands are the ones responsible for the secretion of sebum which lubricates the skin and hairs of mammals. In humans, they are found in greatest abundance on the face and scalp. And sadly on this particular human, they are found in the most superlative abundance on his God forsaken face.
When one is blessed or cursed (depends how you look at it) skin that produces oil that can rival BP’s leaking oil well, one must finds ways of trying to “plug the damn hole,” as Obama succinctly puts it. However, instead of blaming genetics for it (that means you, dad), one must attempt to experiment with various products which will eventually lead you to the right one. Others say this is trial and error, I, on the other hand, prefer to call it, that’s right spend more, screw up your face with this useless gunk and waste plenty of time. The constant pursuit of finding the perfect solution for this dilemma has been an age-old quest, kind of like the quest for the Holy Grail.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The latest from Dr. Evil.....

Yesterday was suppose to be a routine thing, I wake up, eat breakfast and go exercise. Which I did. I decided to go for a run outside so I took the car to one of the parks and ran there. After 40mins or so, as I was approaching my car, I saw this huge whole on my window!!!! Aaaaaah! I knew right away that my bag was gone and everything in it and I mean EVERYTHING. It was bad enough that I couldn't decide on a Tinted Moisturizer but now I have to recreate by Make Up kit again. So today I did just that and then some. I bought 2 lip balms, a nude lipstick, and the Neutrogena Natural Radiance Bronzer in Sunkissed. I wasn't missing a bronzer ha but I've been thinking of buying this one so might as well right? This has a combination of shades that works on multiple skin tones. L has been helping me find a bronzer similar to the Laura Mercier Illuminating one she lent me. Hopefully this one is good enough. Buti na lang sale din sya. After all of that, I went on to check out another Bobbi Brown TM recommended by my sister. This one is oil-free, lighter than the balm version and cheaper by $10. Still pricey....pffft. And to make matters worse, they had a Face base primer which I also wanted. Grrr. It's a fantastic primer/moisturizer with vitamis/shea butter plus a lovely citrus smell. Oh did I tell you it's $50? Mahihimatay na ata ako....why do they cost so much??? oh well sometimes you really have to spend if you want the best. It just takes a little bit of nudging and more cash. But I think it's more of the cash...til my next post ladies, goodnight.

Makeup Review: Eyeshadow Primer

My favorite part about applying makeup is using eyeshadow and since our weather is rarely cool I felt I had to make sure my eyeshadows don't crease in the middle of the day.  So my search started - to find a good primer that will help me achieve my goal (not to look oily at all cost).  Here are some of the primers I have tried so far.
Laura Mercier's Eye Basic - At first I thought that it was an okay product until I realized it wasn't really a primer. I believe it is more like a shadow base.  The color that I have is Wheat and it works in the sense that it evens out my eyelid shade.
Urban Decay's Primer Potion - One of the best ones out there!  It has no color and glides on smoothly. No creasing from sun up to sun down! Only thing is, it is kind of drying so I have to put an eye cream on my lids at night before I go to sleep.  Unfortunately, it is currently not available here in Manila.
MAC's Prep and Prime Eyes - Once again at first I thought it was great but after a few hours I found out that it was not so great.  Although it is much better than the eye basics I can tell u that.  It has a cream to powder like consistency and it matches my eyelid shade perfectly.  Maybe I should just use a dab so it wouldn't crease on me?  I'll experiment on this some more.
Smashbox eye lid primer - Flesh tone and a bit creamier than the eye basics but it works! Works better than the MAC and the Laura Mercier.  Available at Beauty Bar.
I have heard some people say that Mac's Paint Pots can be used as primers, have you guys tried it? Did it crease or was it able to hold it's own in our climate?

Thanks for reading.  See you next time!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Makeup Review Requests

Hi everyone. What would you like to see reviewed? We would love to hear your ideas and suggestions!  Use the comments box below to submit your requests. 
Be an active participant in the discussion and send us YOUR reviews and we’ll gladly publish them.
See you next time.

My Makeup Kit Essentials

This thread was started by Dr. Evil which I hope you guys will do as well.
Everyday I bring with me a small pouch....well, actually, it's not really a small pouch ;-) ....
What I have with me are:
lotion - because my hands are very dry so I need to keep a lotion near by
alcohol - ever since the SARS outbreak I had a small bottle with me everywhere I went
Lip Balm - I used to bring the Smith's Rose lip balm but it sort of melted so i switched to my Korres   Lip butter.  I apply it before applying lipstick
Lipstick -  whatever shade I was wearing that day
Lipgloss - same with the gloss; although I'm not really a gloss kind of person, surprisingly, I own quite a few
Mirror - to this day I still can't apply lipstick without looking into a mirror
Small container of medicines - for those who know me won't be surprised by this; but for those who don't, they're for my allergies and when I get hyper acidity/heart burn

Monday, July 19, 2010

Where art thou my Tinted Moisturizer?

Good evening everyone! It's 7:41 pm here in cloudy SF and I just came back from the city. Safe to say it was a very good day for clothes shopping but none in the Make-up department...boohoo... Lately I've been searching for a good tinted moisturizer and I was recently introduced to the tinted balm moisturizer of Bobbi Brown. It's very impressive with the jar and all, the shade is beautiful and consistency is not that thick. The only thing stopping me is the price which is $50. So my next victim was the Boscia TM. This one is oil-free (thumbs up right away). When applied, it's easily absorbed by the skin which is the way I like it and the price is a bit friendlier ($35). My last for the day was this brand called Hourglass. Nanay! mas mahal pa sya kay BB! Their TM has potential but what caught my eye was their Veil primer. It's like the Smashbox silicone primer but somehow the creamy consistency made it moisturizing instead of just being all silicone. Sorry for that little detour....
Hopefully there is a light at the end of the tunnel and my TM is there waiting for me. Wish me luck!

Make Up Mecca that is SEPHORA

I'am currently on vacation in San Francisco and have in mind a list of sites to see. of course when I say sites I mean stores...haha...particularly this one called Sephora.
It's not hard to spot this black and white facade from afar and when I do, it's like a call from the Mother Ship. When you enter you're instantly in a state of panic. Where do I go? What do I do? stupid questions really but very important if you're an addict like me. Some brands that they have, fortunately, are available back home (Manila). Some though like Korres, Tarte, Too Faced, Urban Decay and Lorac are not, so it's always a sight for sore eyes to see my long lost amigos. Walking thru that maze of shelves and salespersons is absolutely amazing, it's like opening your own walk-in closet of Make Up...Mr. Big where are you???
Every which way you turn there is a foundation staring at you or a lipstick calling out to you (by your first name ha and that's scary), but you try very hard to ignore it. It's ok! It happens all time, it just means you're subconscious is linked up to their subconscious. Our fascination with those pretty little suckers never ends until a new one comes along. Just ask my friend L, who just bought (for the enth time) a foundation, while there are still 2-3 opened bottles waiting to be consumed. We all have our weapons of choice, mine being the foundation, blush and lipstick. I have nothing against eyeshadow/liner, just don't have the patience to mix and mutch (hahaha that's match).
So my gorgeous ladies, if you're on this side of the globe, dont forget to pay your respects, arm yourself with a good amount of cash or better yet a credit card with a (very) high limit and charge away. Your world awaits!

Daily Regimen for oily skin

Since I have an oily skin I use products that will hopefully keep those pesky zits at bay or better yet, try to prevent them from showing up at all.  Here is a list of what I use on a daily basis.

Cleanser - I use Neutrogena oil free Acne wash.  It is a salicylic acid acne treatment.  I use this 2 to  3 times a day

Toner - Dickinson's Witch Hazel Pore Perfecting toner.  I have only been using this toner for a few days so I can't really give a review just yet.

Zit Medicine - Clinique's Anti Blemish spot treatment gel - for those hard working zits who enjoy popping up every so often

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Treasure Finds 3

Hi everyone.  Some new discoveries.

1. Witch Hazel: from what I read, it helps control oil, eliminates shine and it balances the skin.  What I have is from Healthy Options (thanks Kumsie!) and it is Php247.00 for a 473ml bottle. nice deal huh?
My information on witch hazel is from  
Started using it today and I will do an update after a month of using it.
2. Bite MD - I know this is not exactly a cosmetic item but it has something to do with skin care.  It is an external analgesic and a first aid antiseptic.  I bought it at True Value for Php349.00 ( I think).  I know it is a bit pricey compared to Off Lotion but it is convenient to have in our makeup pouches without having to worry about it spilling because of its pen-like container.

3. Ring Snuggies - Yup, nothing to do with makeup but still a very useful discovery.  It is a rubber attachment for those loose cocktail rings that are very fashionable now.  Also from True Value for Php129.00.  Comes in different sizes.

Share some of your treasure finds.  See you next time!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Make-up Review: Smashbox Anti-Shine

Sorry for not reviewing this earlier, what was I thinking?! Well this product is brilliant for being anti-shine. It really is! The consistency is a bit watery though, i don't know why, but it works like a charm. It really reduced the shine on my face, especially my forehead, giving me that matte finish. The color is neutral so you need not worry about it coming into contact with the shade of your foundation. So if you're one of those having the same problem, check this baby out. It's available in Beauty Bar.

What's in my Make-up kit...

Some of us have late nights that require touch-ups to last us until the wee hours of the morning or kikay ka lang talaga and you always want them nearby for "just in case "moments. You never know who you might bump into...old bf (uuuy)... so here are some of the stuff I bring with me because just like your credit card, I never leave home without it.

1.Everything for the lips- stick, balm, or gloss. Don't forget a vampy shade too.
2.Oil-blotting film/paper-nobody wants to see a greasy face
3. Eyelash curler- opens up the eye instantly
4. Mascara/eyeliner- to further enhance them
5. Listerine mouth spray/breath mints- need I explain why??

They may seem a lot but I'am sure other ladies out there have their entire dresser with them. Just remember you have to look your best all-day, everyday. So STAY GORGEOUS LADIES!

Makeup Must Haves for folks with oily skin

I'm sure we all want to buy everything cosmetics companies provide but we can't really afford all of them nor do we need everything.  Here are my must haves July 2010 edition ;-)

   Mattifying Base - I use Boots No 7 base to help my foundation stay in place and stay matte in the process

   Oil Free Foundation - a cream to powder type is good, unless you like the dewy look then something with the words luminous or glow is what you're looking for; you can also try any brand that is long wearing or is water resistant

   Loose Setting Powder - sets your makeup while keeping your face matte

   Anti Shine cream/gel -  can be used before or after makeup application

   Eyelid Primer -  helps keep eyeshadow in place and not run down under your eyes

   Blotting papers -  to blot excess oil off your face; to be used before touch ups

Thanks for reading.  See you next time!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Makeup Review by Hikaru: Benefit Creaseless Cream Eyeshadow

bday suit shadowI had been introduced to thecream shadow wonderful world of make-up only a couple of years ago when a cousin in law (hi to you too!) showed me what an addictive (and expensive) hobby hoarding and playing with make-up would be. I graduated from just wearing loose powder on my face to now wearing primer, foundation, concealer and powder (in that order of course) as part of my everyday regimen. Let's not forget jumping up a notch from just putting on lip balm (sometimes even not) to now going through the whole process of exfoliating, prepping the lips (preferably with some amount of SPF) and then putting a hint of color. In other words, nagi akong MAARTE :) Anyway, what has this got to do with my review of benefit's creaseless cream eyeshadow? Although I've already progressed from just putting on johnson and johnson baby powder (remember those face powders in a little blue or pink container?) to having my now current reputation of being a foundation hoarder (ooops... foundation enthusiast as per Paco), I am still very much an amateur when it comes to putting paint on my eyelids. I’ve actually tried a couple of eyeshadows

Melt Proof your Makeup

Living here in Manila has its ups and downs....1 down is that our makeup always has the possibility of melting away by mid afternoon, that's if we're lucky!  So I'm always in the market for cosmetics that will stay put amidst the sweltering heat.  Making it oil free is already a given
1. Sunblock - maybe a gel type of sunblock like Neutrogena's dry touch
2. Foundation - could be water resistant which is good for when u sweat or when it drizzles; a long wearing makeup, like Estee Lauder Double Wear, Revlon Color Stay or Maybelline Superstay 24 hour
3. Cream Blush/ Gel blush - using a cream blush under your powder blush will help you retain your blush the whole day or at least most of the day

Monday, July 12, 2010

Makeup Review: Other Lip Balm Buddies....

I just found 2 more Lip Balms you might want to try: Both are available in Healthy Options

Lip Rescue w/ Shea Butter- The Shea Butter is what attracted me to this one.It's a super moisturizer!!!

Alba- un-Petroleum Lip Care SPF 18- This is a cheaper alternative to Dr. Hauschka Lip Care stick. They have Vanilla and Cherry. I got the Cherry.


Skincare Review: Lush Bandwagon

I used to cringe every time I would pass a Lush Store at the mall because of its strong scent but that all changed mid 2009.  After watching a few videos on Youtube I got curious and decided to forget about the headaches I would get whenever a Lush store was near by.  I went in and became a Lush follower.
These are the things I tried, liked and didn't like:
Let's start with the soaps.

1. Demon in the Dark - Minty and very refreshing; it doesn't lather very much but you can smell how good it is; always looked forward to using this soap; a fave

2. Bohemian - lemony scent is very faint; nothing special for me; will not repurchase
3. Honey I Washed the Kids - Sweet and very tempting to eat :); I liked it so much I bought the solid perfume; a must buy

Sunday, July 11, 2010

June Favorites 2010

These products are my June Favorites.

1. VMV Metamorphoskin Foundation in Butter Bean.  I was given a sample by my cousin-in-law (Hi!) and fell in love with it.  I think I prefer this one more than my beloved LM Silk crème. I’m telling you, if you have oily skin you will like this one.

2. Laura Mercier Illuminating Bronzer. Unfortunately this is a limited edition item.  This is a bronzer that is not too shimmery nor is it too matte.  It doesn’t make my face look dirty when applied, probably because of the 4 different colors in it.

3.  More often than not I use the LM loose powder to set the foundation.

4. For the lips  I use Laura Mercier’s Nude Lips Lipstick, sometimes I top it off with my Napoleon Perdis Raspberry Lip gloss.

5. Oh, the eyeshadow (how can I forget my favorite part!), I have been using my 28 Neutral Palette which I bought from Ebay.  Some of the colors are very similar to MAC eyeshadow colors.

6. My favorite cologne is Ralph by Ralph Lauren (light blue) so I try not to use it everyday (it's more like an all time favorite than a monthly fave)

Thanks for reading.  See you next time!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Makeup Review: ELF Nail Polish

I have been using OPI for a few years now and never really looked around for anything else.  Until Dr. Evil directed me to the ELF nail polish.  Boy was I surprised at the quality! One wouldn't think much of this little gem because of the price.  The nail polish is very pigmented to the point that when using the dark colors you can actually apply just 1 coat.
I used the Navy Blue on my toes and after a week it was time to remove the polish even though it still looked really good.  At once I noticed that it was so easy to remove but what surprised me was that it did not leave any stain on my nails!!!! I was actually expecting my nails to be sort of blue, just like when I use my OPI reds which leave a reddish stain.  I was truly amazed that the ELF nail polish does not. 
So my friends, give your Essies, OPIs and Revlons a rest, try ELF instead.  It will be worth your while.

Thanks for visiting.  See you next time.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

To Like or not To like

Here are some products that became a "hit" (with us) and those that crashed and burned.


PALLADIO MOSAIC POWDER- This is an all-over shimmer powder that gives you an instant glow without making you look like a discoball. Aside from being a powder, I use it as a highlighter on my brow bone. Available at Beauty Bar.

LIP FUSION in BARE- Love this natural and warm shade. Goes really well with nude lipsticks like the Chanel in Mythic or L'Oreal in Dune.

ELF Nail Polish- They have adorable colors. It does not chip easily and lasts for at least 2 weeks. Dries fast and it's so darn cheap. Available at


SEPHORA LIGHT VEIL FOUNDATION- Applying it is so hard and thick. Taking it off is just as challenging.

STILA LIP GLAZE- The glaze is just temporary. It's one of those pencils that you can only sharpen up to a certain point. You're better of with a lip gloss.

LAURA MERCIER OIL-FREE FOUNDATION- Nothing oil-free about this one.

Our thoughts..... You can try it out for yourself. STAY GORGEOUS! MUAH!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Dr. Evil's Love affair with her skin

I started going to the dermatologist just 2 yrs. ago when I bumped into my derma-to-be friend/classmate in the mall. After much consultation, she started me on a skin regimen which included a morning and evening ritual. In the AM, I use a gel-based foaming cleanser (this is best for oily skin) followed by a toner in the form of pads soaked in Salycilic acid to control acne breakout and oiliness. Then followed by a Clarifying Serum (packed with Vitamin C) to brighten and even skin tone. Now in the evening, it's pretty much the same except I add Retinol cream (as a wrinkle defense and pore minimizer) since it is advisable to do so only at night. It does not react well with the sun. I put this all over my face and neck. Though sometimes this is not good for everyone especially for those with sensitive skin and pregnant women, so be careful. Lastly, the eye cream! I have LV eye bags and undereye circles so you can imagine how many brands I've tried just to depuff them. My derma says its a mixture of genetics and sleeping late. I say the former. Thanks MOM!

So there it is. Sounds too much ba? Well I've learned to live with it and I actually enjoy it because I can see results. Mejo magastos lang nga but you can never take your skin for granted. Always Love your skin and it will Love you back.

Taking Care of your Goldi"locks"

Just like your skin, the hair requires just as much attention because it is your "crowning glory." Here are some products I use which you might like to try. Hope they help.

BIOTIN B COMPLEX THICKENING SHAMPOO by Avalon Organics- Biotin prevents hair loss. No parabens and SLS free. Love the smell. Available at Healthy Options

NEUTROGENA ANTI-RESIDUE SHAMPOO- I use this once a week to remove residue build-up from shampoos/conditioners/styling products. It's for all hair types. Available in PCX.

PANTENE PRO V SMOOTH and SILKY -This is my "chillax" shampoo. If I plan to stay home or just around the area I use this. It's my comfort shampoo.

KIEHL'S RESTORATIVE ARGAN OIL- I use this on my body but more on my hair for moisture and shine. I tend to have dry ends so i put more there. I put a small amount on my hands then rub them together then run my fingers through my hair several times.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Makeup Review: Bare Minerals SPF 15 Matte Mineral Foundation

Don’t you just hate it when the weather is so hot that you break into a sweat just after taking a shower? Then you realize you still need to apply your moisturizer, sunblock and foundation?!  Have you ever considered using a mineral powder foundation instead of the usual liquid foundation?  I have tried Bare Minerals Matte Powder foundation and it is truly a must have especially for the type of climate with have.  It is very easy to apply and you won’t even feel as if you are wearing makeup.  Plus, anything mineral is good for the skin because it has anti aging properties. 
For more information regarding the advantages of mineral makeup you can check out Mineral makeup Resource Center.

Thanks for stopping by.

Treasure Finds II

Hi everyone!
Here's another installment of the treasure finds series. 
I found a couple of products while I was at the grocery! I got them at Makati Supermarket and they are:
1. Zappy Boy Antiseptic Wipe - from what I read it is like a liquid sanitizer but in tissue form. It is safe and no rinsing required and is alcohol free.
2. Freshening Toilet Seat Cleaner ( a flushable paper) - of course to be used on the toilet seat when you go to a public restroom.  Contains 70% Isopropyl Alcohol.
We can never be too careful when it comes to our health.
Thanks for stopping by and stay safe.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Makeup Review: Benefit Coralista Blush

About 2 years ago I was reading Instyle magazine when I came across a cute luminizer called Dandelion by Benefit. Immediately I researched and found out that there were a few other shades in the Box O' Powder collection that I liked.
Benefit Coralista, for me, is very similar to Nars Orgasm.  It has a slight scent and comes with a small square brush. Not to mention the cute and very original packaging.  It’s got 3 times the amount of product at a cheaper price!  Good deal right?
blog avatarIt’s pinkish peach in color with a bit of shimmer and I think it fits all skin tones. I usually use a powder bronzer before applying a blush. I think it gives it a different kind of glow, much like a sun kissed glow minus the sun.
Have you tried any of the wonderful blushes of Benefit?
Thanks for stopping by.

*picture from Benefit Cosmetics*

Lip Balm Buddies: One of them will surely be your BBB (Best Balm Buddy)

La Mer - Texture is silky and light on the lips. A bit pricey for a lip balm but definitely worth it. It has a sweet taste and a cooling effect.

Terrapy Organic balm in First date- This definitely is worth your money. It's only P150 per jar. Goes a long way so indulge. It's made for parched lips and the glossiness is just right. I love the vibrant red shade and the scent of cherry and mint is just heavenly.

Dr. Hauschka Lip care stick- This is great because it does not remove my lipstick upon application, not like the other petroleum based ones.

Korres lip butter- This glides on easily and has a very rich color. Cameron Diaz was using it in the film, Knight and Day.

Burt's Bees in Raisin- This kept the amount of wax without making my lips greasy. It has that mentholated or Eucalyptic effect that instantly cools my lips. This compliments medium skin tone because of its light berry tint.

Smith's Lip balm in Rose- This balm is not thick or sticky. It's very smooth and minty. I love the old style packaging too.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Makeup Review by Kimmy: Benefit Dandelion

I have always been obsessed with the "no make-up" make-up look ...  beautiful skin, flushed cheeks, moisturized lips.  Simple... and ,  what women tend to forget,  what men really prefer. Did your better  half ever say to you.. "love your smokey eyes, honey?" Or, "love your  red lipstick, sweetheart?"  Isn't it more of  "what did you put on  your lips ?!?! or, You better not get that on my shirt!!!  Or the very  irritating question, "o, saan ka naman pupunta?" So, to achieve a more 
natural look for men who prefer the "girl next door" rather than the  vamp we always try to be, I use a face powder from Benefit called  Dandelion. Dandelion is a a gentle pink luminous powder with a scent  that is quite appealing to the senses.

After applying foundation to create " flawless beautiful skin", I  apply powder to warm the foundation and create a more natural flushed  look.  Because I have very fair skin, I stay away from your usual  bronzers to add warmth as it only comes out muddy and fake looking.  Dandelion does the trick for me and by applying more on the cheeks, I  also create rosy cheeked look. And because younger looking skin is  really dewy and not mattish, the powder helps me achieve a bit of a  glow.  Of course, to finish of the look, one can apply lipgloss with a  hint of berry color in it. I discovered Korres new lip butter with  flavor so I already grabbed one of those too as this would be  something the better half won't complain about...
*picture from Benefit cosmetics*

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Treasure Finds

Some interesting and cheap products that I found around Manila:
At SM Dep’t Store I found:
Purederm Acne wash cleansing tissues. It’s an acne treatment makeup remover wipes! This cleansing tissue contains salicylic acid, tea tree oil and aloe vera.
IWhite Nose pack. It is a whitehead and blackhead remover. Looks like Elmer’s glue but it seems effective especially for those who have shallow pores.
L'oreal Eye makeup remover. Reminds me of Lancome's Bi Facil but at a lower price. Perfect for removing waterproof mascaras and those long wearing lipsticks.
Ever Bilena/Aido pencil sharpener. Not for your Mongol pencils okay?! To be used for your eyebrow pencils/eyeliners/lipliners. I was told by the makeup artist at Shu Uemura in Rustan's that the blade is much better compared to the more expensive ones. Of course he whispered this bit of information to me so now I'm sharing it with you.
Small containers with spatula. You can use this for depotting lipsticks or giving sample foundations to friends for them to try.
Vitress Hair Polish. This is a leave on conditioner that I use to moisturize my hair after I had a digiperm. This product also helps in holding the curls for most of the day, well, except for when it’s windy. By then, no amount of Vitress will help me look presentable :)
Will write another treasure finds blog when I discover anything new.
Thanks for stopping by.