Tuesday, August 24, 2010

August Favorites 2010

Some products that I have been using quite a lot of for this month are:
LIPS: I have been using my EOS lip balm, Nars Pigalle Lipstick and over that I use Nars Chelsea Girls Lip Lacquer

EYES: I always end up reaching for my 28 Neutral Palette that I got from Ebay

CHEEKS: Been using Nars Orgasm, probably because it's what is nearest from me every morning :)

FACE: For foundation, I try to use all by doing a rotation system; Loose Powder, I have been using the Benefit Matterial Girl Loose Powder and the Murad Oil-Control Mattifier as a makeup base/primer

BODY: Body Shop Satsuma shower gel

Still trying to find a good pore minimizer.  Any ideas?  What are your favorite products this month?

Thanks for stopping by and see you next time!

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