Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Makeup Review: Tarte Lipsurgence by Hikaru

I've never heard of TARTE till my mom came home from the States with a bag of goodies for me including a cheek stain called "Berrylicious" by Tarte. At that time, I was so engrossed with Benefit's Benetint (which remains to be a favorite lip and cheek stain of mine by the way) that I did not really pay much attention to my mom's pasalubong until the day when I decided to give my benetint a rest and try tarte. Boy, was I hooked! It is now one of my favorite brands of lip/cheek stains and when I heard that Gorgeousme Store had some Tarte Natural Lip Stain (which I've actually been googling over for the past 4 months or so in the sephora website), I just had to have one. I got the stain in Enchanted and like a giddy little girl opening her gift for christmas, I was so excited when I got the package that my husband couldn't help but make a "ang weird mo" comment. I immediately opened the box and tried the lip stain....ahhh heaven on earth! It's not like any lip stain I've tried before - it was not drying at all, felt more like a lip balm with its moisturizing effect and I also loved its minty minty feel! The color is buildable - put a little and it's as if you're just wearing tinted lip balm, put more and it's as if you're wearing honest to goodness lipstick. Although some reviews I've read stated that their one complaint with this product would be that it's not really that long lasting compared with other stains, atleast tarte didn't leave my lips dry and flaky after a few hours and even after munching some cheetos with my kids, I could still see some semblance of color, for me, that's already a good enough stain. To make the long story short..... I texted L and told her to please please reserve the PLUM shade for me :) - turns out I was going to love this even more than Enchanted. Can't wait to try the Tarte Matte Lip Stain. I'm sure it's going to be a newfound addition to my newfound addiction!

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