Monday, August 9, 2010

Makeup Review: Tarte Pret a Porter Palette

photo from google images
Not a lot of people are familiar with the Tarte brand.  Although this palette is no longer available I would just like to share with you my take on their palette.  It is called Pret a Porter Palette and it came out a few years back.  It came in 2 sets of eyeshadows, cream blushes and lipsticks.
All of the colors are very pigmented and the palette came with an eyeshadow brush, an eyeliner and a mascara.  The shade of the eyeliner is flesh so it is nice to use on the water liner to make you look more awake.
Their products are on the mid range in terms of price but the good thing about this brand is that Tarte is one of the pioneers in using high-performance naturals.  Almost all of their products are  without parabens, phthalates, sulfates and synhetic fragrances.
Gorgeousmestore is now offering Tarte's newest product, Lipsurgence Natural Lip Stain. 
Read more about these high performance naturals at Tarte .
Thanks for stopping by and see you next time!

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