Sunday, August 22, 2010

Make Up Review: Princess Pinki Magic Pink Cream

I will not fault L for giving this to me but rather the company who made it and not issuing a warning "bleeding lips up ahead." Smart of me to test it while I was home because after eating and drinking, I checked myself in the mirror and what did I see?? Joker in the flesh!! If I opted to audition for that part I know I'd get it hands down.
This cream was made to be used on the lips, cheek and nipple (go figure). You'd really think this cream is harmless at first but after all that drinking, eating and wiping off with the napkin I thought It would be gone by then. oh no.... disaster struck and that was it for the cream. It went straight to the trash bin never to be seen again. And the worst thing was, my makeup remover can't even get it off my lips. It was a struggle. So beware, don't get it on your blouse or white t-shirt and you just might end up with a pink one all of a sudden.


  1. sorry! :) it was a sample that was given to me by a friend :) maybe i can use mine as a cheek stain...i'll remember to use it at home :)

  2. I tried it as a cheek stain and this is my review:
    very pigmented so you need a very small amount;
    kinda greasy so if you have an oily face, this is not the cheek stain for you
    easy to blend, but you will need a light touch
    I will not be using this again because I have an oily face, so if any of you want to have this, just leave a comment and I'll give it to you for free :) but, use it as a cheek stain instead of a lip stain (as did dr evil) :)
