Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Makeup Tips: 1 Product 3 Uses

Just some few tips on how to make use of some products in a few different ways so you'll get more out of it.
1. Pressed Powder -  you can apply it using a wet sponge to get a full coverage; using a kabuki brush and you'll have a sheer to medium coverage depending on the number of times you swipe your brush on the powder; spritz face with Mac's Fix+  then apply powder using a foundation brush and you will get a sheer to medium foundation coverage but has that natural finish

2. Liquid Highlighter - examples are Smashbox Eye brightener; Benefit High Beam.  Can be used under the eyes to brighten dark circles; On the cheek bones to emphasize your cheeks; can also be used on the brow bone in place of a shadow highlighter; and on the cupids bow to make your upper lips appear fuller

3.Darker than your usual Pressed Powder - there are times when you buy some powders online you'll realize only too late that what you picked is a shade darker than your actual shade.  So you can use it to contour your cheeks; applied on the sides of the nose to make your nose look thinner; also on your jawline to hide your double chin

4. Pigment Shadows - aside from using it as a shadow you can use it to make your own shade of lip gloss.  Just mix it with a clear gloss and you'll have a new lip gloss in an instant; depending on the shade you can also use it as a highlighter

5. Cream colored shadows - you can use it as an eyeshadow base to make your powder shadows more vibrant;  it is also used as base for pigment shadows (they need something tacky to be able to stay on your lids); depending on the shade, you can also use it as a cheek stain or a lip stain

Hope these ideas can help you use your makeup, even the ones you don't like.

Thanks for stopping by and see you next time!

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