Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Makeup Storage

For those of us who are just starting with makeup collection, storage is not really an issue.  But when the collection starts to build up, then it becomes a problem.  With what I currently have, this is the solution I came up with.
An overview:
3 sets of plastic drawers. 2 has 5 drawers and 1 has 3 drawers.  One of the 5 drawers has wheels so it's easy to move around.  The latest is a shoe cabinet which of course I don't use for shoes but for makeup, nail polish and accessories.
Set 1 - I store all mascaras/eyeliners and lipsticks
Set 2 - I store eyeshadows and blushes
Set 3 - I store foundations, shadow palettes, makeup brushes, other toiletries and some office supplies (I'm not joking, I do a lot of writing) like pens, stapler and notepads
Shoe Cabinet - accessories, nail polishes, makeup books and Gorgeousmestore stocks
How do u organize your collection?
See you next time!

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