Monday, August 16, 2010

Makeup Tips: Lessons Learned II

1.  Using a darker shade of foundation on your jawline will help enhance its definition while minimizing the appearance of a double chin
2.  Remember to blend your foundation up to your ears
3.  Long wearing lipsticks are not always a good thing especially when you're out to lunch with your girlfriends and you need to reapply afterwards.  Always remove all traces of lipstick, apply a lip balm, wait a few seconds before reapplying your lipsticks.  Applying a layer of lipstick on top of your lips without removing the original lipstick will cause it to feather and your lips will look more dry than it really is
4.  If you know that your lipstick has a tendency to bleed, make sure to use a lip liner or a concealer around your lips
5.  The older you get, the darker your blush should be.  Not everyone can get away with having bright pink cheeks

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