Tuesday, August 31, 2010

L's Favorite Perfumes

A tag started by Dr. Evil.
Here are some of the colognes/perfumes that I like:

1.Ralph by Ralph Lauren  - smells fresh; very light; reminds me of my trip to the U.S. when I was with my husband, who was my boyfriend then; has a fruity floral scent to it

2. Gucci Eau de Parfum II - gift from my husband; use it on special occasion because it has a strong scent; hefty bottle, not very portable; liquid has that light pink hue which I love because it's very girly; ingredients include: Mandarin, Bitter Orange, Blackcurrant, Violet, Blackberry, Jasmine, Heliotrope, Cedarwood.

3. Glow by JLo - a gift from a good friend of mine because she learned that I liked the scent; husband doesn't like it so there goes the plan of buying a regular sized bottle; citrus-y scent mixed with florals

4. Cool Water by Davidoff Woman - top fragrance notes: citrus, black currant and pineapple. The middle notes are: honeydew, muguet and water lily and the base of the fragrance is: vetiver amber and mulberry.

5.  Aqua di Gio for men by Giorgio Armani -  contains; lavender, juniper, cumin and is accented with ylang-ylang, sandalwood and amber; very light; although it's for men, I love how it smells; reminds of Calvin Klein's One

6. Tommy Girl by Tommy Hilfiger - Top Note: Apple Tree, Blackcurrant, Camelia Flower, Mandarin Middle Note: Mint, Honeysuckle, Lily, Rose Base Note: Magnolia, Sandal, Cedar

Writing this blog made me realize that I am drawn to certain scents like blackcurrant, sandalwood and cedar.  What are your favorite perfumes?

Thanks for stopping by and see you next time!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Make Up Review: Cle de Peau Beaute Extra Silky Lipstick

photo from cle de peau
GM just came back from Hongkong and brought home some good buys, one of them being this one. The brand has been around for sometime but sadly not here in the Philippines. In case some of you might not know it but this brand is part of the Shiseido Co. so it's no surprise that their products are of high quality. While I was going around the cosmetics department of Seibu, I decided to look at their lipsticks and see what they had to offer. At first, i felt intimidated because they have that very expensive look and normally I don't go to these counters unless I'm prepared to unleash the contents of my wallet. But when I got a hold of their extra silky lipsticks to try, I knew one of them was coming home with me (or rather 2). I got the #103 and #110. Both with nude undertones. Their shades are similar but one has a bit of a shimmer to it so you don't need to put lip gloss anymore. Very moisturizing too so no need for a lip balm. Was trying to convince L to get one but she opted to buy one for her mom instead...awww how sweet...right L? hahaha.
So ladies, when in HK go visit Seibu and try them. I know you won't leave empty handed.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Other MakeUp tips I've learned...

Red lipsticks are sometimes hard to manage specially if you're not used to wearing them. The problem is usually getting them on your teeth. People might think, " I know you're hungry but do you really have to eat them?" One mistake often made is putting too much inside the lip which obviously will transfer to your teeth. So to avoid having it as your main course, blot the excess with tissue paper. Now you can smile with confidence again. :)
Another tip is fixing sparse eyelashes. This means there are spaces that have no eyelash/es. So to create the illusion of a full lash line put some mascara then you can go flutter those babies.

Hope these tips will help you. Stay gorgeous. Muah :))

Skincare Review: EOS Ultra Moisturizing Shave Cream

photo from evolution of smooth
I never really use a shaving cream when i shave my legs but since this was given I decided to use it.  The first thing that hit me was the scent, it is pomegranate raspberry, yum! I wasn't really expecting much from this but I kept an open mind.  So I applied it all over my lower leg and noticed that it didn't lather.  Well, it's not supposed to because it's not soap :) I noticed that the blade slides easier with cream instead of soap.  Also, the skin was soft to the touch after shaving; no tightness and you don't really need to apply lotion.
Now that we're a certain age we need to remember to take extra care of our skin and using a moisturizing shaving cream is one way of doing so. 
Thanks for stopping by and see you next time!

Travel Makeup Kit

Some ideas to bring with you when you go on a trip.
FACE: of course sunblock, mattifying base, foundation(better if it's in a tube than a bottle), setting powder and concealer

EYES: a palette is advisable for convenience; mascara

LIPS: maybe 2 colors of lipsticks so you'll have options and a lip balm

CHEEKS: maybe 1 color but be sure to bring your favorite so no regrets

TOOLS: brushes(I will be bringing the Sonia Kashuk synthetic flat top, MAC 217, 224 and 242), eyelash curler, tweezers and brush cleaner

Other necessities: anti-bacterial wipes, makeup wipes, alcohol and medicines ... aside from your shampoo, conditioner, soap, toner and cotton buds/pads
Stay safe my friends!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Makeup Review: Concealers

Part of my makeup routine is covering my blemishes and under eye circles with a concealer.  I have tried a few and here are my thoughts.

1. MAC Studio Finish - has a wide range of shades for different skin tones; very creamy therefore on the heavy side; if not applied properly can look cakey

2. Laura Mercier Undercover Pot - has 3 shades to choose from; 1 pot has 2 shades/kinds of formula- one for discoloration/blemish (yellow tone) and another for undereye circles (peach tone); comes with a loose powder; easy to use; not as heavy as other formulas

3. Yves Saint Laurent Touche Eclat in #2 shade - very brightening; not cakey; comes in 3 shades

4. L'oreal concealer Pen in shade 2 - peachy tone; easy to apply; very affordable

What are your favorite concealers?  Still keeping an eye out for that 'holy grail' concealer.

Thanks for stopping by and see you next time!

August Favorites 2010

Some products that I have been using quite a lot of for this month are:
LIPS: I have been using my EOS lip balm, Nars Pigalle Lipstick and over that I use Nars Chelsea Girls Lip Lacquer

EYES: I always end up reaching for my 28 Neutral Palette that I got from Ebay

CHEEKS: Been using Nars Orgasm, probably because it's what is nearest from me every morning :)

FACE: For foundation, I try to use all by doing a rotation system; Loose Powder, I have been using the Benefit Matterial Girl Loose Powder and the Murad Oil-Control Mattifier as a makeup base/primer

BODY: Body Shop Satsuma shower gel

Still trying to find a good pore minimizer.  Any ideas?  What are your favorite products this month?

Thanks for stopping by and see you next time!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Treasure Finds 7

POND's Cold Cream - A friend told me about this and it really works.  An oldie but definitely a goodie

DOVE Go Fresh Cucumber Scent - It doesn't have an overpowering scent and just like its name, it smells really fresh

Body Shop Body Wash in  Satsuma - a good enough dupe for Lush soaps; citrus-y scent, very refreshing 

BURT'S BEES CUTICLE CREAM - help tame those hang nails by applying this cuticle cream; has a lemon scent that smells delish; wish they had a lip balm with the same flavor

EOS Lip Balm - delicious and not greasy; very moisturizing; unique shape/packaging

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Make Up Review: Princess Pinki Magic Pink Cream

I will not fault L for giving this to me but rather the company who made it and not issuing a warning "bleeding lips up ahead." Smart of me to test it while I was home because after eating and drinking, I checked myself in the mirror and what did I see?? Joker in the flesh!! If I opted to audition for that part I know I'd get it hands down.
This cream was made to be used on the lips, cheek and nipple (go figure). You'd really think this cream is harmless at first but after all that drinking, eating and wiping off with the napkin I thought It would be gone by then. oh no.... disaster struck and that was it for the cream. It went straight to the trash bin never to be seen again. And the worst thing was, my makeup remover can't even get it off my lips. It was a struggle. So beware, don't get it on your blouse or white t-shirt and you just might end up with a pink one all of a sudden.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Make Up Review: Kiehl's Superbly Restorative Dry Argan Oil

photo from kiehl's
One of nature's surprising discoveries. You may know it as Moroccan Oil but recently it's been labeled as Argan Oil. I got a sample a year ago and I decided to try it on my hair because my sister kept telling me my hair so dry. So far this has proven to be a hit on my hair. I rub a small amount on my hand then I concentrate on the ends then the excess I finger-comb it thru my entire hair. It's pricey for a small bottle. It retails around P1,950 i think. But believe me it's worth it because aside from your hair, you can use it on your face and body as well. Your skin absorbs it fast so it doesn't leave a greasy feeling only smooth skin. It contains Vitamin E and essential fatty acids. Some have said it also has anti-aging and healing properties.
So instead of your usual lotion, try this. It has long-lasting effects. :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Makeup Review: Tarte Lipsurgence by Hikaru

I've never heard of TARTE till my mom came home from the States with a bag of goodies for me including a cheek stain called "Berrylicious" by Tarte. At that time, I was so engrossed with Benefit's Benetint (which remains to be a favorite lip and cheek stain of mine by the way) that I did not really pay much attention to my mom's pasalubong until the day when I decided to give my benetint a rest and try tarte. Boy, was I hooked! It is now one of my favorite brands of lip/cheek stains and when I heard that Gorgeousme Store had some Tarte Natural Lip Stain (which I've actually been googling over for the past 4 months or so in the sephora website), I just had to have one. I got the stain in Enchanted and like a giddy little girl opening her gift for christmas, I was so excited when I got the package that my husband couldn't help but make a "ang weird mo" comment. I immediately opened the box and tried the lip stain....ahhh heaven on earth! It's not like any lip stain I've tried before - it was not drying at all, felt more like a lip balm with its moisturizing effect and I also loved its minty minty feel! The color is buildable - put a little and it's as if you're just wearing tinted lip balm, put more and it's as if you're wearing honest to goodness lipstick. Although some reviews I've read stated that their one complaint with this product would be that it's not really that long lasting compared with other stains, atleast tarte didn't leave my lips dry and flaky after a few hours and even after munching some cheetos with my kids, I could still see some semblance of color, for me, that's already a good enough stain. To make the long story short..... I texted L and told her to please please reserve the PLUM shade for me :) - turns out I was going to love this even more than Enchanted. Can't wait to try the Tarte Matte Lip Stain. I'm sure it's going to be a newfound addition to my newfound addiction!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Makeup Storage

For those of us who are just starting with makeup collection, storage is not really an issue.  But when the collection starts to build up, then it becomes a problem.  With what I currently have, this is the solution I came up with.
An overview:
3 sets of plastic drawers. 2 has 5 drawers and 1 has 3 drawers.  One of the 5 drawers has wheels so it's easy to move around.  The latest is a shoe cabinet which of course I don't use for shoes but for makeup, nail polish and accessories.
Set 1 - I store all mascaras/eyeliners and lipsticks
Set 2 - I store eyeshadows and blushes
Set 3 - I store foundations, shadow palettes, makeup brushes, other toiletries and some office supplies (I'm not joking, I do a lot of writing) like pens, stapler and notepads
Shoe Cabinet - accessories, nail polishes, makeup books and Gorgeousmestore stocks
How do u organize your collection?
See you next time!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Makeup Tips: Lessons Learned II

1.  Using a darker shade of foundation on your jawline will help enhance its definition while minimizing the appearance of a double chin
2.  Remember to blend your foundation up to your ears
3.  Long wearing lipsticks are not always a good thing especially when you're out to lunch with your girlfriends and you need to reapply afterwards.  Always remove all traces of lipstick, apply a lip balm, wait a few seconds before reapplying your lipsticks.  Applying a layer of lipstick on top of your lips without removing the original lipstick will cause it to feather and your lips will look more dry than it really is
4.  If you know that your lipstick has a tendency to bleed, make sure to use a lip liner or a concealer around your lips
5.  The older you get, the darker your blush should be.  Not everyone can get away with having bright pink cheeks

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Our Well-Loved Beauty Books

Sephora The Ultimate Guide to Make Up, Skin and Hair - If Sephora is not in your neighborhood, the book is the next best thing. Informative in every aspect of beauty life. Lots of pictures which makes it good for a quick browse. They have a list of must-haves from make-up down to perfumes. I never get tired looking at it...wonder why??? :)

Bobby Brown Living Beauty- This book discusses the how to's and quick fixes in putting make up. It also guides you on how to be beautiful not just on the outside but also within by changing your lifestyle thru what you eat and exercise.

Kevin Aucoin Face Forward and Making Faces- Shows you in detail how to recreate looks; they vary from everyday looks to Hollywood stars/Icons of years gone by.

Bobby Brown Make up Manual- Extensive look on what to use and how to create the "no makeup make up look" that she is famous for.

Cindy Crawford Basic Face- A model's take on how to create the simple makeup look with makeup artist Sonia Kashuk. This was L's first makeup book given by moi so it has sentimental value for her...awwww. Has easy to follow instructions and tips/guide on what to buy.

Jemma Kidd Master Class: Beauty Bible of Professional Techniques and Wearable Looks- Has great pictures and is very easy to follow.

The Home Spa Recipe Book of Hot oils, Facial, Body Scrubs, Foot Spas and much more- A collection of blissful concoctions to relax the hair, face and feet.

More Treasure Finds.....

Eskinol Dermaclear-C Overnight Pimple Gel- I thank my lucky stars that I don't have an acne problem but when they do show up, this one rescues me. It dries them up so fast you'd wonder "was it ever there?."...It's available in Mercury Drug. Very affordable.

Bench Nipple tape- Not exactly a beauty product but I consider it just as essential. I use this often when exercising. When my sports bra does not have the sufficient padding, this helps conceal it. It has 5 pairs in one pack and it's only P169. I'm always hoarding them because they sometimes run out and they don't get stock 'til after a week or 2.

Make Up review: N.Y.C. Waterproof Eyeliner pencil

So far this is "THE" eyeliner that is truly waterproof. I tested it on my hand by spraying water on it, then I was trying to remove it but it just wouldn't get off. Love it! It's available in 5 shades like Plum, Black, Teal, Moody blue, and Brown. I love the Moody blue. Check our web store for availability of shades. Oh before I forget, saw J.Lo using the black one. :)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Make Up review: Giorgio Armani Second skin nude make up

I chanced upon this when I was actually looking for a bronzer. Obviously the bronzer was nowhere to be found so this took its place. I love this one because the consistency is so light and easy to blend. Sometimes I use it alone with powder to set it or I combine it with my foundation to lighten it up a bit and to darken the shade. Too bad it's not available here but if you're in Hongkong you can definitely give this a peep. Who knows you might find other winning products you want to recommend to us.
Later ladies! Hope to hear from you soon.

Make Up review: Prestige Waterproof Eyeliner

photo from ulta.com
I advise you to stay away from this one. Nothing waterproof about it. When you put it on it's as if you made a fabulous discovery but by mid morning it's slowly becoming a disaster. I was slowly turning into a racoon. Serioulsly, you don't want that. By late afternoon, it was just full blown because I went to the gym to test it it was then that Mrs. Rocky Balboa showed up. Good thing this wasn't expensive or else....sorry prestige but I do have to warn the ladies or maybe the men too.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Nail Polish Review: OPI

For years I have been using Revlon nail polishes and been happy with the result.  But 1 year my brother brought 1 OPI nail polish for me and I was hooked.  I have recently tried a different brand and actually liked it but what I love about OPI is their wide color selection. Also, they don't chip easily like some other brands I have tried.  I have given away some of my nail polishes but this is what I have at the moment.  Yup, I know what you're thinking....most of them are in red and pink :) what can i say?....I love those 2 shades. One thing I don't like about the OPI nail polishes, the red stains your nails, even with a base coat.  Oh, and it's kinda messy when you remove them.  But even after that I can honestly say, I still love my OPIs, it's just that now I like other brands too.
What are your favorites?
Thanks for stopping by and see you next time!

Makeup Review: Lipsticks (pinkish mauve shade)

This review is about the lipsticks that I currently use.  I only have 3 types of colors and they are:
1. nude - which I wrote about early on entitled Nude Lipsticks
2. pinkish mauve - which I'll be telling you about now
3. red/wine

Shown on the side is the photo of my pinkish mauve lipsticks and I'll tell you what I like or don't like about it.
Laura Mercier -  Dusk; very smooth; moisturizing; originally what I was looking for was out of stock so I ended up getting this one; love it
Nars - Pigalle; very pigmented; not very moisturizing because it is semi matte; still loving it
Benefit - On the Sly; very moisturizing; glides easily; for me it has that feminine shade to it; love it
Chanel - Emotion #17; nice packaging; slightly on the shimmery/frosty side; ho hum; will not repurchase
Elizabeth Arden - Perfect Rose; has that bright rose shade; moisturizing; 1st time to try this brand and I'm not too crazy about it
Revlon - Mauve it Over (matte); looks flat; accentuates the lines on my lips; shade is nice though; will not repurchase...ever
Laura Mercier Lip Velvet - Royal Plum; very smooth; not drying; I use it over the matte Revlon; thinking of purchasing another color; has the doe foot applicator which makes it easier to apply
Anna Sui - unfortunately the lipstick broke so I had to depot and transfer into a small jar; very smooth; not drying at all; sadly, it's not available here
Do you have a Holy Grail Lipstick brand or shade?
Thanks for reading and see you next time!

Makeup Review: EOS Smooth Sphere Lip Balm

From the picture on the right you will see that this is not your ordinary lip balm.  Its shape alone is unique and add to that it's 95% organic!  A definite must try.  There are 4 flavors and all of them are very delicious.  I know you're not supposed to eat them but I just can't help but taste it.  It is very smooth and it is greasy at all.  Even the guy from Gossip Girl,  Ed Westwick, uses it!

Check out Gorgeousmestore for availability.

Thanks for stopping by and see you next time!

Makeup Tips: Lessons learned

After years of having a MUA do my makeup, reading magazines and attending seminars, I was bound to pick up makeup tricks here and there.  So here are some of the things I've learned over the years.
1. Cream on cream and powder on powder.  This refers to the type of base and blush you can use.  If you have a powder foundation on, you should use a powder blush too.  Using a cream blush will just smear your powder foundation.  Of course if you have on a liquid foundation you can use a powder blush because it will not erase your base.
2.  If you are using a mineral powder foundation and you have some dry patches on your face, the powder will enhance those patches all the more.  That's why you have to make sure you moisturize before applying your makeup primer/base.
3.  This 3rd one is widely known, always blend your foundation onto your neck; remember to apply foundation on your ears if and when your ears are pinkish and your foundation is not.
4.  I recently used the MAC 109 brush to apply my liquid foundation and I loved the result! No streaks and looks very smooth.  Will have to buy another 109 for my blush :)
5. I just bought the Sonia Kashuk Synthetic Flat Blusher Brush and used it for my liquid foundation.  Result...amazing too!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Beauty tip: Taking Care of your cosmetics

We girls know the joy of buying cosmetics and how easy it is to just snap an eyeshadow here or a lipstick there but taking care of it is another story. All cosmetics now have expiration dates at the back of the product. Some of you who are familiar with it have seen it, it's a picture of a container with a number on it (meaning the months it has to be consumed). From that point, you must know how to preserve its quality. Here are some tips I've learned over the years that I hope you will remember to do:
1. Never expose them to the sun. Heat does not act well with them that's why some end up discolored. When this happens, I suggest you not use it anymore.
2. Also check the smell. Especially your day/night creams and lipsticks.
3. Use a small spatula to transfer your creams, etc. to a smaller container- this prevents them from being contaminated. The spatulas usually come with the product but if not, you can buy them at Beabi (greenbelt 5).
4. If you really must use your fingers, please wash them thoroughly. You don't want an unexpected trip to your dermatologist or an acne problem because of this.

That's it for now. If you wish to share other tips please feel free to do so. We'd love to hear from you. Au revoir!

Makeup Review: Tarte Pret a Porter Palette

photo from google images
Not a lot of people are familiar with the Tarte brand.  Although this palette is no longer available I would just like to share with you my take on their palette.  It is called Pret a Porter Palette and it came out a few years back.  It came in 2 sets of eyeshadows, cream blushes and lipsticks.
All of the colors are very pigmented and the palette came with an eyeshadow brush, an eyeliner and a mascara.  The shade of the eyeliner is flesh so it is nice to use on the water liner to make you look more awake.
Their products are on the mid range in terms of price but the good thing about this brand is that Tarte is one of the pioneers in using high-performance naturals.  Almost all of their products are  without parabens, phthalates, sulfates and synhetic fragrances.
Gorgeousmestore is now offering Tarte's newest product, Lipsurgence Natural Lip Stain. 
Read more about these high performance naturals at Tarte .
Thanks for stopping by and see you next time!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Basic Makeup tools

These things are not exactly makeup nor are they brushes but they help make us gorgeous.
sponge - for applying moisturizer and foundation
cotton buds - for clean ups in the outer and inner corners of the eyes

eyebrow razor - good for removing those pesky peach fuzz near the temples
tweezers- pretty basic
eyelash curler
eyebrow brush/eyelash comb or an old mascara wand (washed and cleaned of course)
small scissors -  for trimming the eyebrows
pencil sharpener - for eyebrow pens and lip liners/lip pencils
brush cleaner - for spot cleaning your brushes

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Makeup Tips: 1 Product 3 Uses

Just some few tips on how to make use of some products in a few different ways so you'll get more out of it.
1. Pressed Powder -  you can apply it using a wet sponge to get a full coverage; using a kabuki brush and you'll have a sheer to medium coverage depending on the number of times you swipe your brush on the powder; spritz face with Mac's Fix+  then apply powder using a foundation brush and you will get a sheer to medium foundation coverage but has that natural finish

2. Liquid Highlighter - examples are Smashbox Eye brightener; Benefit High Beam.  Can be used under the eyes to brighten dark circles; On the cheek bones to emphasize your cheeks; can also be used on the brow bone in place of a shadow highlighter; and on the cupids bow to make your upper lips appear fuller

3.Darker than your usual Pressed Powder - there are times when you buy some powders online you'll realize only too late that what you picked is a shade darker than your actual shade.  So you can use it to contour your cheeks; applied on the sides of the nose to make your nose look thinner; also on your jawline to hide your double chin


Come check out our store to see our new arrivals.
1. E.L.F. Beauty Book - Smokey; Neutral
2. NYX Trio Eyeshadow - a. cherry/cool blue/hot pink; b. nude/taupe/dark brown
3. N.Y.C. Eyeliner - Black, Dark Brown, Teal,Plum and Blue
4. Benefit - Eyebright
5. Benefit - Creaseless Cream Eyeshadow in Busy Signal, Samba-dy Loves Me and Skinny Jeans
1. Tarte - LipSurgence Lip Stain in Lust, Moody and Amused
2. NYX Lipsticks - various shades
3. EOS Lip Balm - Sweet Mint, Summer Fruit and Honeysuckle Honeydew
4. E.L.F. Beauty Book - lips
Hoping to hear from you soon!

Make Up Shopping made easy

Hello readers! We would like to invite you to visit our On-line store for your beauty needs. Our blog can link you to the store or you can go directly to Gorgeousmestore.weebly.com and start shopping. Here are some of our New Arrivals...

Face/ Cheeks:
1. Essence Mosaic Powder- A compact/all-over powder to achieve that natural finish. Can be used as ablush too.

2. Neutrogena Skin Clearing foundation- An oil-free make up that treats blemishes (contains salicylic acid). Comes in Fresh Beige and Natural Tan.

3. ELF studio Sunscreen Powder (spf 45)- A loose powder that provides broad protection against the sun's damaging rays.

4. ELF make up brushes- blush brush, complexion brush and small angled brush

5. Benefit's Benetint- A rose tinted lip and cheek stain.

Hope to hear from you soon. Happy Shopping!!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

More Treasure Finds....Toiletries to go...

Lysol Disinfectant spray- Found this one in Target. It's so handy. The size is so ideal because you know that airport officials won't get them from you . Great for the OCs out there. You know who you are....

Neosporin NEO TO GO!- This is an antibiotic spray that you can bring with
you anytime, anywhere. I used to bring the ointment but it felt kinda weird so
good thing they thought of this one. I always make sure I bring some band-aid
as well for those paper cuts that I usually get at work.

Makeup Review: Smashbox Wish Palette

photo from google images
I don't know what it is about palettes that I'm drawn to but I always get suckered into getting them.  Of course I take into consideration the price before buying them.  And with the Smashbox, I really gave myself time to think about it, I gave myself a week actually.
I was not disappointed (phew!) and I am so happy with it because I really like the brand.  The Palette has eye shadows, blush, highlighter,bronzer, eye liners, brow powder and lip glosses.  It is truly over whelming and I haven't really used much of it.  I just enjoy looking at it, is that silly? :)
Here are the things that I know from using the palette:
eye shadow - very pigmented; blends easily ( as with other Smashbox shadows)
eye liner - very pigmented as well but it does smudge so I apply a shadow over to set it
brow powder - comes in 2 shades ( light brown and dark brown); worn as is (powder form) it does not stay on my brows for a long time; used with a wet brush, it stays on longer than with a dry brush; comes with an eye brow wax too
highlighter -  very shimmery; somewhat powdery; has a light pinkish color
lip gloss - very pigmented; shades vary from very light(pink and peach) to dark/bright (pink, mauve to deep red); I removed the glosses and transferred them into individual pots for convenience
Palette comes with a few makeup brushes which is always a plus especially when they're very usable
Overall, I love it.  Everything you will need is in 1 container and I like Smashbox, always have and always will :)
Thanks for stopping by and see you next time!

Makeup Review: Revlon Cream Eye Shadow Palette

photo from google images
This is not exactly a new product but I just want to have a review just in case someone is thinking of buying it.  What I have is the 4 color palette in beige, brown, green and blue (as seen here).  I've had this for quite some time now and only recently have I been loving it.  At first I tried using this alone but it creased so much I swore I'd never use it again.  But when I started using an eyelid primer I figured it's worth a shot trying it again.  Surprise surprise, it worked! It didn't crease at all!!! So now I am on the look out for the other shades,
photo from google images
I think there is a neutral palette and a pinkish palette ...
I want both of course!  But all I'm seeing is the cream shadow that is
in a different packaging and I think a different formula.
Don't quote me on that but when I tried the square shaped one, it
wasn't very pigmented like the circle shaped one.  I now use it as a shadow base and apply a powder shadow on top.  It makes the powder eye shadow more vibrant and it actually stands out.  I have a small lid space so for me to emphasize it I have to use something that is shimmery or something that is vibrant.

Thanks for reading and until the next post!

Treasure Finds 4

What I discovered today is nothing really new, just that it's new for me.  I decided to try the brand Garnier.  What I got are:
Self-heating Sauna Mask - as soon as the mask is on your face you feel it getting warm.  It is specially developed with clay and zinc.  After using google i found out that zinc helps in curing acne.  Although no definite claim, people have seen positive results.  Bought it as Watsons for Php49.00 and comes in a pack of twos.  But I'm sure you can use it more than 2 times since you're only supposed to apply it on the t-zone.
SOS Blemish Clear Pen -true to what it claims on the box, it dries the spot immediately; it has the same effect as Clinique's On the Spot Treatment Gel but for only Php149.00; contains salisylic acid, zinc and vitamin B3

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Makeup Review: Bobbi Brown Hydrating Eye Cream

photo from bobbi brown cosmetics
Don't you just hate it when your under eye concealer doesn't apply as smoothly as you would hope or expect?  Or that your fine lines are too obvious when concealer is applied.  I do and to rectify that problem I've researched what type of cream to use.  So far I have used 2 and 1 of them is the cream from Bobbi Brown
This is an under eye cream that will help reduce the fine lines and help your concealer/corrector glide on smoothly.  I haven't been using this cream long but so far I have noticed that the lines in the inner corner of my under eye is not as noticeable now as it was before.  I even apply this eye cream at night before i go to bed and it does not sting my eye one bit.  It just makes me cringe a little because I know how much it is and soon I'll be running out of it.  Somehow Bobbi Brown's packaging for those creams are always nice and hefty.  They come in  thick glass jars and has that 'expensive' look.
Are you in the market for eye creams?  What have you discovered that worked for you?
Thanks for stopping by.  See you next time!

Makeup Review: Benefit That Gal Primer

Keeping my makeup from looking blotchy is always a priority so I  want to try out other makeup primers.  I have tried Laura Mercier's Oil Free primer which did not impress me at all, so I'm moving on to the next.  And that is the Benefit That Gal Primer.
Comes in 1 shade, pinkish and it's supposed to brighten your complexion.  It does not make my face greasy but it does not stop it from becoming one either.  So I use it as a cheek brightener instead.  But if your skin is normal to dry and you have an uneven skin tone, you can give this primer a shot.  Match it with a foundation that will help your skin even out.  I think what I should always use is something that is mattifying, no matter what shape or form or else I'll run out of blotting papers in no time.
Thanks for reading and see you next time!