Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Haircare Review: Lush New Hair Shampoo Bar

 After a session of digiperm and  highlights a few months back I have decided to revert back to my original hair color (which is dark brown) and try to improve its condition.

After a long hiatus from Lush I decided to indulge once more. First on my radar, a shampoo.  I was skeptical at first because I didn't think this would lather at all, from the looks of it.  I was hugely mistaken, thank goodness! With just a small application on my hair I had a head full of lather...nice! Smells wonderful too! Reminds of Dentyn Gum :)

According to Lush this is good for dull and falling hair.  I will have to wait about a week or so before I can accurately say if this improved my hair condition.  I will write an update in about a week's time.  But if this does not do anything I would still repurchase because it just made shampooing my hair fun again :)....(cheap thrills) :)))

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