Saturday, September 17, 2011

Most Reached for Makeup Brushes

Although I have an addiction for makeup brushes I don't really use all of them.  Here are some of the ones that I favor the most.

  1. Foundation - For liquid foundation I usually use Real Techniques Buffer Brush.  It is synthetic but soft and very easy to clean; For powder foundation I normally use a Kabuki brush
  2. Eye shadow - For loose powder shadows aka pigment shadows I use the MAC 242; for the regular powder shadow and it is a light color, I prefer using the MAC 239 but if it is a dark shadow I grab my Sigma 239 because it has a dark brown bristle.  For blending I haven't found any that is as good as the Sigma 224
  3. Blush - I use my Bloom Blush Brush.  It is not as expensive and soft as the MAC 116 but I feel that it does its job pretty well
  4. Bronzer - Lately I have been grabbing my Real Techniques contour brush but  my favorite to use is my Sigma 150
  5. Contour - I alternate between my MAC 109 and the Real Techniques Contour Brush
  6. Eye Brows - I use Fanny Serrano Small Angled Brush because the handle is long and it is synthetic

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