Friday, June 25, 2010

Makeup Review : Sunblock as a beauty salvo

How many times have you heard how sunblock is good for you and that it is the best defense against premature aging? a lot right?? Add me to the that list of sunblock advocates because it really does wonders to the skin even if muka ka ng ESPASOL sa pagkaputi.

The rays of Mr. Sunshine have never been deadlier these days and so try making it a habit of adding it to your daily regimen. I can hear it now...ha sunblock? ang lagkit nyan! or muka akong multo! but fret no more because just recently I've discovered a particular sunblock that will change your negative perception about them. My best friend just came from the land of bulgogi and kimchi and she gave me a tube of Face IT HD perfect BB cream with spf 30 by the Face shop which according to the salesgirl is the best sunblock (syempre salesgirl sya diba?). At that moment, my foundation was M.I.A so I decided to use the cream as my foundation. WOW! What a revelation! Tama nga ang salesgirl! I wasn't ghostly white kasi it had a slight tint to it. I used my Mac #187 to spread it evenly all over my face then followed by my favorite powder. The effect was fantabulous I tell you! It felt like there was nothing on my skin and I did not look as if I just got fried on. Perfection.

So next time somebody gives you a sunblock, give them a chance. You'll never know what beauty secret it has in store for you. They were not made for outdoor activities alone but a savior from future beauty catastrophes.

1 comment:

  1. Your reviews are hilarious Dr. Evil. I remember a few from high school who would use Johnson's baby powder as their foundation and looked grey afterwards because the shade was all wrong! I'm glad we can now try something tested by a true veteran and not be disappointed. Keep it up!:)
