Thursday, June 24, 2010

Makeup Review by Kimmy: NYX Lipstick

Rich in Moisture, Rich in Color

Just when you thought you have seen the last of the must-have beauty products, someone is raving about something… again! My sister insisted I try this new brand called Nyx and I decided to give it a try coz days before I saw some red carpet photos with NYX in the background. So, since we should always be in the know of the latest in beauty… I agreed to try it. I decided to be adventurous and grabbed a hot pink one called "Doll".

So, after my usual routine of foundation, powder and nude blush ( yes, girlfriends… since we are about to try a wild color…. Let's give it the focus it deserves and let's give those smoky eyes, dark pink blush a rest.. for now), I tried it on. And trulily, it's a winner. Ok, fine… my exact words were "Lola, winner sya!" For one, application was easy. Without much effort, the lipstick just glided across my lips. I suddenly remembered my first lipstick from Wet N' Wild that I bought a million years ago that begged the question… "OMG, may lubricant ba ito?" :-D. The color was also perfect. My lips just popped up with rich color and since it was so rich in moisture and pigment, the color stayed with me for quite a bit…..even after two hours of endless chatting, a cup of tea, a tuna sandwich and some slices of cheese, my lips were still pink! But this time, it was a more natural look… I just sent my darling sister a text…… I need to get another one and the NYX (get it!… pfft! ) color I want to get it is something nude ;-)

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