Friday, February 25, 2011

Skincare Review: Lush Mask of Magnaminty

I prefer face masks that come in a pot or jar rather than those that come in face sheets because:

1. you can still move about when the mask is applied on your face unlike when you only have a face sheet over your face

2. I feel that my skin is able to absorb more of the product

3. I don't feel that I'm wasting the face mask when it's time to wash it out (which is after 15 to 30 minutes)

SIZE: A 125g tub; I am not sure if they have it in a bigger container

SCENT/COLOR: It has a lime green hue and smells very minty

HANDLING: This mask needs to be refrigerated once it is opened and it has a shelf life of 2 months

In the first few seconds I felt a slight tingling after applying the mask, probably due to the fact that it's minty and it just came out of the fridge. The tingling did subside after a few seconds so I wasn't worried. I left it on my face for 15 minutes and rinsed with room temp. water. I felt my face was so fresh and minty clean . The best part came the next morning! My face wasn't oily or greasy when I woke up; and thats with a night cream!

It really helped control the oil production while I was sleeping, which is an added bonus. The only thing I don't like about it is its shelf life. Since it is made with fresh ingredients you can't really keep it for a long time even when refrigerated. I guess that can also be a good thing :)
But I prefer using the mask in the morning before applying my makeup to keep the oil production at bay.

What is your favorite face mask?

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