Sunday, February 27, 2011

Haircare Review: Lush Revive & Balance

This product is a Finishing Hair Moisturizer that gives back live to dry and brittle hair. This is to be applied to freshly washed hair.

CONSISTENCY: A thick cream like moisturizer that has a citrusy scent

PACKAGING: Lush's usual 100g black tub

PRICE: Here in Manila the cost is Php725.00

AMOUNT TO USE: I have what some will consider long hair (beyond shoulder length) and I make sure to only use enough moisturizer to cover the ends of my hair. Once I used more and I ended up having a greasy looking hair for that day! Of course, I decided to wash my hair again at night :(

EFFECTIVITY: It definitely prevents my hair from looking dull, especially at the tips; I also noticed that my hair is not as dry as it used to be.

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