Monday, August 1, 2011

MakeupReview: Bobbi Brown BB cream

Are you sick of BB creams yet? Apparently I'm not. My sister, Dawn, got me the Light shade but I wanted the Fair one. Anyway, the only thing I liked about it is the consistency. It's smooth and light. Other than that, it makes my skin look dry. No dewiness there. So far Dr Jart and Etude House are the ones to beat in the BB cream arena. Price is not too attractive also at $40 a tube (and the tube ain't exactly big). Between the version of MAC and Bobbi Brown, I will go with MAC version.
Funny story.... my sister asked the sales person (in Hk) why it's called BB cream just for the heck of asking and the girl goes, "you know its like when you put it on your skin it will feel like a bb's skin" (riiiiiiight). :))))

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