Sunday, April 29, 2012

M's Latest beauty buy....

Kiehl's ACAI Damage-Correcting Moisturizer
           Really hard to find a moisturizer that hydrates you as well as it being good for the skin. My new find contains ACAI berries which are known to be great anti-oxidants. At my age, oxidants are my savior.  I've seen them recently being incorporated in food and beverages but I was glad to see its in a moisturizer as well. When you pump it out the color resembles that of berries and the smell is not too far behind. It does nott have a thick consistency so very easy to apply. I use it day and night. Before putting on make-up and before hitting the sheets. Not sure of the price, but it does go a long way.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year Ladies!

May this year be your most gorgeous yet! Don't forget to check out our blog for updates and beauty reviews of your favorite brands. :))))

My BFF for 2012


This has become my new best friend. I've been very unlucky getting my eyeshadow stuck in its proper place. But thanks, to no less than L, all hope is back. This eyeshadow base is colorless with a very smooth consistency, very easy to apply over the lids. My problem has always been oily lids so no eyeshadow ever stuck. The shade also maintains its color so no disapearing act there. This one is just fantastic. I don't know how much it costs but you can find it in Essences (rockwell or Rustan's department store).